Student Testimonials

We are passionate about empowering people with the knowledge, skills and motivation to regain pain-free natural movement, optimal body alignment, improved health, increased strength and reduced muscle and joint pain at any age.

Here are some of our student's stories:

I have never attended a studio where the instructor had such depth of knowledge, such a supportive and inspiring style, and where the other women created community with all. I travel across the bay to be a part of this wonderful group. The alignment classes are my favorite, but I've enjoyed them all, including three different ones just today! 

Thank you, Nancy, for adding a huge dose of fun and health to my life! 

—Karlyn Strand


HI Nancy:

I had a wonderful time hiking the Lakes Basin area in California. It was beautiful every which way. But once again, I thanked you every time I hiked. Because of all I have learned about gait while walking & hiking, my knees & feet did not cry or complain after hiking up or down 1,000 feet or more at altitude on steep rocky trails. After years of taking ibuprofen, they were just fine. So thanks again for the training, it has made a big difference.



Hi Nancy,

I am thinking of you because I'm sitting here at Kaiser (waiting for a test) and my doctor just decided to start taking me off of blood pressure meds!

She was really impressed with my progress-- I have lost 40 lbs since my last checkup (2yrs ago) and she ok'd me for a more vigorous exercise program. Very excited!

Thank you for EVERYTHING! RE, alignment, and TRE got me started, but YOU got me motivated and hopeful. My deepest gratitude for you and your work.

I want you to know how much I appreciate your transformative work, Nancy. I am wearing it on my body and in my mind. Restorative Exercise and TRE—and you—have been such an important part of turning my year around in an incredibly positive direction. As I look back, I’m very proud of my work, but what is most important to me is the health I have gained since we started working together and I came to explore all that you offer at Body Wisdom. What I love the most is that you are always trying new things, so that I can aspire to comfortably and effortlessly hiking Tam one day. 

—Maureen Decombe



There’s a reason I’ve been taking Nancy’s restorative classes and outdoor hikes for over ten years. There is wisdom, passion, enthusiasm, compassion- and humor - in everything she does. It’s simply a delight to be part of her vision for wellness. I feel healthier in my late sixties than I did in my early forties. But it’s more than that – Nancy injects lightness and joy in her work. It is contagious in all the right ways. I feel extremely lucky to have her as part of my life!    

—Rita Gardner


Again, thank you for helping me to find myself and my center. I'm feeling so strong and powerful at much deeper levels than I could ever imagine.

Nancy, please know that you have played a major role in "A MAN grow into the MAN he has always wanted to be." You are truly an exceptional PERSON! 



Hi Nancy- I loved your class last night! You have an amazing studio. I have to get the word out about it. I am so impressed with how you know all of the women's particular injuries and how you modify for each student. You are an outstanding instructor and I am so happy I found out about you.

—Carol Lettko


Body Wisdom is the only place I've found in the East Bay that has a class devoted entirely to TRX. And it's fantastic! As a physical therapist, I was initially concerned that I might be inadvertently putting my body at risk for injury by doing the TRX exercises, but my worries quickly vanished. Nancy keeps a close eye on everyone's alignment, provides a great amount of individual feedback for a group setting, and offers alternative exercises for your current level of ability. It's a wonderful class that I highly recommend. If you've been wondering about it, give it a try! 



My first private Restorative Exercise session with Nancy was nothing short of miraculous. I had been dealing with chronic and severe mid-back pain for two years. I went to physical therapy, two chiropractors and all kinds of bodywork. Nothing was relieving the pain. After one session with Nancy my pain was significantly diminished and after two sessions it was gone! Alignment work is very empowering and it teaches you to understand and use your body in new ways.  Nancy will give you tools you can keep for the rest of your life. Commit to two or three private sessions at a minimum and you will not be disappointed!

—Mignon Johnson


I love going to Nancy and her Studio. It is fun and there is always something new. Not only her classes are great, all the classes from other teachers are equally wonderful. What I like the most besides the warm and supportive environment is the variation of classes, you are not stuck to the same old yoga class all the time, you can switch to stretch and strength exercises, TRX or go for a hike. Just love it. Just do it.

—Barbara Greenhill


For several years I've appreciated the very sensible restorative exercise class.  This week Nancy was especially helpful by suggesting a posture that alleviated a sudden lower back pain that threatened to immobilize me.  She has the ability to size up a situation and respond quickly with a recommendation.

—Jacob Picheny


Restorative Exercise is exactly what it says. Having done it for the past 3 years I can testify that it works.  And, Nancy Burns is the best instructor that I know.  

—Mary Mullin


BTW, I wanted to let you know that attending your Intro to Alignment class helped me feel better! While the pain in my neck and back remain, I did get some relief from learning how to properly align my body. I missed the beginning but I got a lot of information during the time I was there! And my energy levels turned around. I am amazed!

Thank you, thank you! I realize now more than ever that this is the right exercise program for me and a viable career change.



Nancy’s Walking restorative exercise class has made a world of difference. Just do it! 


Body Wisdom provides a warm and lovely place to explore movement and body awareness in secure and non-judgmental surroundings. Nancy is skilled, careful and encouraging, providing timely feedback as well as time for new practitioners to learn new vocabulary while rediscovering how the body works. A variety of classes are available, taught by excellent instructors Nancy has managed to bring together.

—Ann Gilbert


I LOVE the Restorative Exercise program.  I have been going to this class for over 4 years and it has significantly improved my physical and mental health.  At 63 years of age I am more in tune with and aware of my body and my body's systems and the benefits from this have been transformative for me.

And to Nancy and all the class instructors at the Point Richmond Body Wisdom studio I send a very warm and appreciative "thank you" for the positive energy and inspiration you bring to your classes.     



Nancy Burns is a fantastic teacher! She really knows her stuff, and can make adjustments so everyone can participate, learn, and become stronger!

I love the emphasis on alignment and working to correct the mistakes of years of unconscious walking, working, and exercising. Katy Bowman's healthy practices have made a huge difference in my confidence as I learn to make healthy changes in how I move, my balance, and well being.

The community of Nancy's students--led, of course, by the teacher--is supportive, caring, and very helpful! I come some distance to attend class, and only miss when I'm out of town.  



I am a long time tennis player with arthritic knees, who is active and continues at age 73 to play competitive tennis. Nancy's restorative exercise classes help me keep all my body parts but especially my cranky knees moving with proper alignment, flexibility, fluidity, minimizing  pain and further joint deterioration. I have attended Nancy's classes since 2006 and am grateful to have such a gifted, knowledgeable, dedicated body practitioner who not only has taught me how to exercise right but has increased my awareness of ways to move through daily living more gently and gracefully.   

—Elena Gonzales  


I started working out in the gym with Nancy Burns twelve years ago. Soon I joined her outdoor fitness group, hiking and working out, usually on Mt Tam, on Saturday mornings. I always learn something new--mostly that I can do a lot more than I thought I could.

In Nancy's Restorative Exercise classes I've learned how to sit, walk and stand well aligned. Today I am an “active senior”, well into my sixties, and—thanks to Nancy’s classes and guidance, I believe--I am free of serious back, knee and hip pain.  

Three years ago, I started taking Nancy’s TRX classes. These are the most intensive strength-building exercises I have done on a regular basis. When I started working with Nancy, so many years ago, I could not do a simple plank. My body just couldn't organize itself into one. Now in TRX, planking is part of nearly every routine. A few years ago, I felt especially thrilled, when I was able to do my first suspended side-plank! Quite an accomplishment for me.

What sets Nancy apart from other fitness trainers is the attention she pays to each of her students. She goes beyond routine demonstrations, and actively corrects and instructs individuals, so they get the most out of each exercise and movement. She makes sure each student is challenged appropriately given their individual physical condition.

Thanks to Nancy’s classes, I now know the difference between my abs, my triceps and my biceps. I know what my heart rate is at rest, and I know what it is when I'm pushing it. I take great pleasure in pushing myself well past limits I thought were cast in stone long ago.  Best of all, I'm 37 pounds lighter than I was when I started, and I've kept it off for twelve heart-healthy years!

Nancy's programs are the best "life" insurance I know--well worth the time, effort and cost.             

—Sallie DeWitt

Body Wisdom is an owner run studio and it feels very alive. Nancy is not only a skilled and excellent teacher, she is knowledgeable, continually curious, caring, excited and having fun; which she shares with all of us. She thoughtfully brings in new teachers and workshops, no need to get board here. What thrills me most aside from Nancy's skills is that she approaches the work with fun and integrity. I feel lucky to have Nancy, her creative energy & her studio in our town.

—Judy Rattner